David Auburn

Inside the Playwright's Studio: Charles Newell & David Auburn

Playwriting Insights from David Auburn

Proof by David Auburn

Extended interviews with 'Summer, 1976' playwright David Auburn and director Daniel Sullivan

David Auburn's Proof at Everyman Theatre

PROOF presented by Company of Fools

Official Trailer: Everyman Theatre presents PROOF by David Auburn

Proof by David Auburn, Stagecrafters 2nd Stage

Interview with Playwright David Auburn, THE ADVENTURES OF AUGIE MARCH (2019)

PROOF Trailer

John Lithgow and David Auburn Rescue 'Columnist' Joseph Alsop From Obscurity in New Broadway Play

Proof by David Auburn

What is a Proof? PROOF by David Auburn (June 25, 26, and 27)

Proof by David Auburn at Springs Ensemble Theatre

Proof by David Auburn at WCT

Proof Trailer

Adapting Augie March: David Auburn Takes on Saul Bellow's Classic Novel for Court Theatre

'Proof' by David Auburn at ACT Studio Theatre

SoundStage Presents: PROOF

'Der Beweis' von David Auburn

Classics in Color Fundraising Pitch Video for 'Proof' by David Auburn

“Miss You” one act by David Auburn

Mnemonic Theatre Presents Proof by David Auburn

Proof by David Auburn - Summary and Analysis